Saturday, July 21, 2012

For God's Suggestion Box - Regarding Pet Kitties

I figure that although God has a master plan, it is also subject to change. Adam and Eve were supposed to be happy forever in the Garden of Eden and look what happened. And we're all encouraged to pray because with faith we can supposedly move mountains. If those "mountains" in our lives were not subject to change or movement, then I would not be so convinced that God's plans are truly subject to change, per His will.

Therefore, I am going to toss a little note into His suggestion box that he consider aligning my 17 year old kitty's wakeup time with the current time for sunrise in my neighborhood.

See, cats are known for not keeping people-hours. But I do have mine sort of adjusted to holding off his desires to go outdoors on our driveway until at least sunrise. He is a gray tabby and I just cannot see him in the dark. At one time I considered getting a glow-in-the-dark collar but it is so much safer to just allow him a few minutes two or three times a day during daylight hours.

My problem is that God set into motion the sun, the moon and the stars. Plus, he governs our earth's rotation and the times for the tides as well as for sunrise and sundown.

Man, however, has seen fit to alter those sunrise and sundown times with Daylight Saving Time.

So, Tigger is terribly confused. His normal "outdoor" time is now tangled with natural sunup, Daylight Saving Time, and the normal adjustment of the seasons.

This does not make it easy for me - nope, not at all. He starts trying to coax me to open the door from 4:45 a.m. onward. Sunrise has slowly crept up to 5:30 a.m. where I live. This does not sit well with Tigger.

So, I will give it a try - yep, I will do that.

Dear Father, thank you for such a well organized universe. However, may I make a suggestion that in your almighty love for your children, you take pity on those of us with kitties for pets and help those kitties to adjust to the varying sunrise times as easily as possible? Yet, of course, not my will, but thine, be done.

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