Sunday, July 1, 2012

God is My BFF

Even though I do not post about my daily faith journey each day as often as I used to, it doesn't mean I am not constantly in touch with the Lord. In today's world, I almost have to be in touch with him every moment of every day.

Today, for example, when I was at the grocery store early in the morning, there were several drivers driving erratically, even at the early hour of 7 a.m.

I have made it a habit since I began driving, at age 40, to avoid getting upset to the extent that many of my friends and loved ones do. After I saw how worked up some of them became over the actions of other drivers, I decided then and there that even one upset, emotionally-out-of-control driver on the road was one too many. I made up my mind to try to remain cool.

That doesn't mean I don't react. However, instead of flipping someone off or cussing loudly, I might quietly say to myself that the driver is an idiot.

These past few years, I have followed that up, immediately, with a quick prayer that the Lord will protect a reckless driver from himself/herself, and also that the Lord protects everyone around that driver! That prayer said, I always feel much better and always in more control than if I had let my temper fly.

So, I had several occasions this morning to "talk" to God about other drivers. Sometimes I must talk to him about myself.

I'm sure we've all had moments when we suddenly realize we have driven a few blocks and don't even remember doing it because we were thinking about something or other. At these moments, again, I say a quick prayer asking God to protect me and those around me.

I also needed to pray several other times today. Once for a neighbor who is having trouble with a rolling portable swamp cooler he only just bought two weeks ago. Then for a friend who is falling frequently and whose medical situation worries me.

As I pulled up to the store, I found myself praying that I could easily find something I was looking for. And I prayed for a homeless person who looked worn out pushing that cart in our already-90-degree heat.  I thanked him for something a special friend did for me and asked him to bless that household abundantly, and for other things throughout the day.
Father, thank you for always being there when I need you, whether it is for myself or for others. Thank you for the comfort I feel just knowing that you are always there. It's like having the best friend in the world at my side, every moment of the day.

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