Thursday, July 19, 2012

Finally Added Ripple Afghan to Etsy Shop

For years, I have been trying to get an afghan into my Etsy shop. I finally added one tonight, a smaller, personal size (36x50). It is done in a soft ripple stitch, in various roses and beige colors, with a touch of light peach. I did have a hard time getting the colors right in the photo - what looks like burgundy is really a deep old rose.

If you know anyone at all who knits or crochets, you know that every time we finish something that is not made specifically for an order or a gift, it still manages to find a home, quickly. That happens with my smaller afghans.

I make a lot of these, also, in a lap throw size, for local charities, as most of you already know.

Anyhow, I am so happy to finally get one into my shop. Tomorrow, I begin one just a little longer - I hope to make it 36x60, sand-and-sea colors. It will be in alternating stripes of just two colors, one solid (beige) and one variegated (muted ocean colors). If all goes well, it will go into my shop this time next week, or sooner.

Another problem in getting one of these into my shop is that I have a cat who thinks he owns everything in the house. When I sort things for my charity crafter's group, for distribution every few months, no sooner do I set something on its pile (preemies, nursing home, homeless, etc.) than I have to head him off at the pass and snatch him away before he can "nest" on the top of a pile. He is a blessing, though, in that he never, ever bothers my yarn or projects in progress. I try to keep special throws just for him, and that seems to satisfy him.

What I especially love about this particular ripple stitch, which I adapted and developed from all those I've used through the years, is how soft it is. The back loop stitch creates a textured, almost ribbed effect, giving the finished piece a lighter weight while still providing warmth and comfort.

I almost have the instructions finished and will be posting the free pattern on my blog this coming weekend.

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