Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Desert Heat and Air Conditioning and What-Not

This will not be a long post. I'm staying off my PC as much as possible for another day or so. I will catch up on emails tomorrow evening or Friday. About a year ago, our household income was down to my SSA only and I applied to a local agency for weatherization assistance. We were approved several months later and rose to the top of the list this Spring. They are here this week, replacing our 34-year-old furnace and air conditioner.

This means that a good part of the day, the AC is off. We are in the 100-103 temperature mode the early part of this week. My PC is in my back bedroom and that is the hottest room in the mobile home. In another week or two, this agency will be installing solar screens on the windows and that will cut the heat a great deal. I'm really looking forward to that.

Meanwhile, the new appliances will function better and our bills will be more like those of our neighbors from probably mid-June onward. The agency is also replacing all our floor vents (all 11 of them) and also caulking around them to seal them.

Once this is all done, they will pressure test the home and look for any additional leaks.

So, all we need to do is accept the 94 degrees we are in right now in the house (at 8:30 pm) and look forward to the temps following the weatherman's predictions and going down to 70 overnight. We have ceiling fans on and windows open.

The 15-year-old kitty minds it the most. He sits in front of the vents waiting for the AC to go on (sigh). I have been dampening his fur with wet paper towels about every two hours until the temps drop. He loves that. I hope he doesn't expect that all summer (sigh).

All that said, I want to send this and then close down the PC until the boys finish with the installation, probably mid-day tomorrow. Then, Hallelujah, we will cool down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Evelyn! I am so sorry you are suffering with the heat. That is no laughing matter for sure! I am glad you are getting all this help though. What a blessings that is!

That is sweet about your cat!~ ♥♥♥