Sunday, May 27, 2012

Advantages of Etsy Tools: Sold Orders

Anyone with an Etsy shop may have already noticed that some of your things run "hot and cold." In my case, I ran several months last year when my plastic canvas satin ribbon crosses were being ordered frequently, sometimes singly, sometimes for multiple crosses at a time. There was another time when I noticed that my Class Reunion reports seemed to be "hot."

I have decided to be a bit more proactive in tracking my shop's most popular items. Etsy provides lots of tools to help us track our past orders. This tracking then helps us decide which things to mention in blog posts, on Facebook or in other ways. We can choose to either encourage "hot" items or we can call attention to "slow" items.

Tonight I'll share one of my new fave Etsy tools - the Sold Orders feature.

Go to your Shop, sign in, and at the top, where it says "Your Shop: (your shop name)", click on Sold Orders in the drop down menu. Then select Completed Orders. When they appear, you can search and sort in different ways.

Using the "Search" box allows you to find all the orders from one buyer. It isn't case sensitive, either. Just type in a buyer's Etsy-name and it will pull all the orders by that buyer.

You can also sort orders by Most Recent, Oldest, Highest Total or Lowest Total.

You can print any of these sorts or all orders at once.

We will probably never be able to sort by Item name or description because many of us frequently adjust our titles and descriptions to suit current search-trends. However, I tested the "Search" box by putting in "bell" and it gave me folks who bought my crocheted bell towel toppers as well as someone who bought a pattern booklet with a bell-themed item in the description. I entered the word "pocket" to see who ordered my plastic canvas pocket-crosses and pulled up 14 orders. So that is an option that I really must use from time to time.

On these Search and Sort pages for Sold Orders, you can also download a CSV file with all the order details. I haven't done this yet, but when I tackle that, I'll post about my adventures with that feature.

I'll try to focus on various Etsy tools in this part of my blog. I've been a bit slow lately in doing my posts and I hope to correct that.   

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