Friday, November 18, 2011

Handmade Christmas Gift Ideas - Maple Walnut Syrup Dessert Topping

Ok, here's a delicious food gift in a jar, from yours truly. It was originally posted back in 2009,but it is timeless. This is part of our series (9/21-12/24) of handmade Christmas gift ideas.

Rather than re-write the whole thing, here is the link to the original post.

This is for a jar of walnuts-in-maple-syrup to be used as a sinfully delicious ice cream topping. It would be equally delicious over pancakes or waffles or pound cake or anything that comes to mind.

It is very easy and simple to make. My original post gives tips of how long it needs to marinate and how to make a reasonably tight seal for shipping.

People absolutely love this. Folks who I have gifted with these jars have raved about them.

Our family began making these up for ourselves when we grew tired of the teeny jars of maple walnut toppings. They usually only contained enough for a few servings. THIS recipe, however, makes a really nice-sized batch. The household with one of these generous supplies of this heavenly topping never has to skimp when topping their desserts.

Photos of a full jar are hard to come by in this household. A jar never stays full long enough to take a photo. The mix in this photo was from a jar in my fridge. It is topping I had on hand and used chopped walnuts. After making the supreme sacrifice of using a tablespoon (heaping) on top of a scoop of Breyers French Vanilla ice cream, just to show you how delish it looks, I will be forced to eat the contents of the display.

Walnuts being a little high these days, this is for special folks on your list. But believe me, getting a jar of this topping will make them feel very special indeed.

For other projects in my series, just look along the right sidebar for the label "Christmas Gift Projects." I hope to post only tips that do not require knitting, crocheting, machine sewing, tatting, embroidery, or any other skilled technique.

If you are feeling too crushed for time to make your own gifts this season, check my Etsy shop for items for your gift list.

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