Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One Big Hazard in Charity Crafting

There is one big hazard to charity crafting. At least, it is a hazard if you are the one who accumulates the projects and then distributes them. This hazard is stashing the stuff. It is a twin to the hazard of disorganization. They go hand in hand.

Things usually begin slowly. A scarf here, a preemie hat there. Small stuff. In a few weeks, there are a few more items. The fever of charity crafting takes over. Crocheters and knitters find that they are drawn to the hook or needles more often than they anticipated. The stash grows.

I began by just plopping stuff into two totes. Back then, over two years ago, one was for the homeless, the other for a long-term care center.

Now the stuff is stuffed inside both totes, stuff is piles on top of the totes in a very precarious pile, stuff is stuffed into tote bags and stuffed behind the totes and stuffed in other nooks and crannies near the totes in hopes I do not overlook any of the stuff when I sort it for distribution. I think you are getting the idea.

I was going to take a photo of that "spot" and post it but I was afraid the TV reality show about the hoarders would spot it and descend upon me with cameras.

If you are simply making the items and then tossing them into someone else's lap, you are a happy camper. Or, at least a happy hooker or a nifty needler.

However, if, like me, you ARE the distribution center, you need to get organized, kiddo. It WILL take over.

Me, I am still working on the organizing. Every time I empty the stash, I promise myself that the next things I bring in will go directly into a properly designated tote. I do have a few empties in the shed. Will I get to that stage? Well, looking at my track record, that's highly unlikely. At least, it is in this lifetime. I will keep that as a goal, though, because simply wanting to organize makes me feel a bit, well, more organized.

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