Saturday, March 19, 2011

Helping Him to Help Me

Well, I guess it's time to plunge a little deeper. For the past two years, I've "played" with marketing my self-published paperback, the Busy Person's Prayer Book. I've sold about 25 copies and given away about 15. I don't have the funds to purchase enough copies, even at my wholesale price, to set up a local book signing. Even giving away a single copy or two, trying to open a door, costs me money I can't afford to waste.

But I still honestly believe in this book. Everyone who has purchased one has thanked me for writing it. About two months ago, I made a few good sales on my Etsy store, and bought 26 copies at a slight discount. I think I have about 15/20 left - I must count them tonight.

Now, if the Lord is truly behind me in this, I need to start doing something. I am hereby making him a few promises and plans, but I will need his help in sticking to them. At 70, I really don't have many decades left, and I have four sequels to this book that are in various stages, plus others of an inspiration nature.

My promises/plans? There are three of them.

I will take 10 or 12 books and send them to agents, and another 10 or 12 and send them to publishing houses, hoping to get someone to do a commercial publishing of them.

I will work at least an hour a day on the other spin-off's of the first book, and on other inspirational books.

I will give away, beginning in April, a book a month in a drawing on this blog, as a gift to readers from the Lord.

Father, I don't know what else to do, so if you have any suggestions, I pray for the grace that I need to understand your guidance. Thank you for trusting me with this work.

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