Thursday, March 17, 2011

Go Gently

My morning began at a hectic pace. When I was 50, it would have been nothing. Even when I was 65, it would have been nothing. At 70, I tend to be able to handle fewer things at one time than I used to handle.

From 6 am until 8 am, I scrubbed potatoes, cut onions, filled the crock pot, and set up the corned beef to go for the day. I'll add the cabbage later. I made myself some oatmeal. I took out some trash. I checked and answered my most important emails. I made a medical appointment after being on hold - you know that drill, I'm sure. I fed the cat and let him out for his morning breath of fresh air on our driveway. I made myself some hot tea, and washed the dishes from all the above. Checked my bank balance prior to paying some bills today. Called the pharmacy to check the co-pay total for some pickups later today. Suddenly, I hit a wall, and had to sit and re-charge for a short while. I gave the cat our "lap-time" signal and plopped onto Jane's old lift chair, covered my knees with a folded sheet to make a "nest" for the cat, and flopped.

During that short re-charge time (less than half an hour), I reminded myself of all that I still had on my list for the rest of the day. I thanked the Lord for what I had accomplished at that point and asked for help for the next tasks on my list. I nestled into the moment and rested in his care. And I swear I felt or sensed the words "Go gently..."

Go gently? Into what? Hmmm.

Go gently into the world?

Go gently into the day?

Go gently into the items on my to-do list? I decided it was all of these.

Apparently the Lord understands my need to stop after a rush of tasks and let myself catch up.

Apparently, it's okay with him.

And, apparently, that's what he wants me to do.

I hear you, Lord! Thank you.

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