Sunday, February 13, 2011

Crafting for Ourselves

Today, I spent some time making myself some crocheted towel toppers. I made over a dozen pairs for gifts for the past holiday season. Throughout the past year, I made at least two dozen pairs for many different reasons.

Today, I reached into my little cabinet where I keep my hot pads, dishtowels, dishcloths, and potholders, looking for a fresh kitchen towel. All I could find was six Christmas/Holiday towels. I couldn't believe I had let my own supply of towel toppers go down as low as the two or three that are in the next wash load. Dishtowels do wear out quickly in most active kitchens. They get tossed into the wash far more often than hot pads or potholders. They get very gray looking eventually and either get tossed out or packed into the rag-bag. Rarely, except for holiday themed towels. does a dishtowel last an entire year in my home and still look fresh.

I dug into my bag of towels, the ones waiting to be cut in half and made into towel toppers. I found two that I liked for my own kitchen. Gee, what a novel idea - making some for myself! Both pairs are finished now, but over the next week or two, I need to make at least four more pairs. I'd like to have half a dozen sets on hand.

We crafters tend to do this. We tend to make things for gifts that we can give, now or for a "stash" for emergency gifts. We make things to sell at craft fairs or online. We make things for charities, for the needy, for many other reasons. Mostly, we tend to forget to make things for ourselves and our own homes or apartments.

Once in a while, we need to sit ourselves down and treat ourselves as well as we treat others. I enjoyed doing that today.

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