However, a friend called my nephew this morning, unexpectedly, and asked to meet him later this evening, after he went onto his shift as a cabbie. His friend had a gift for him. Oooops. This was one we forgot.
Haul out the hooks, Evie. Search the current yarn stash, Evie. Find a combo of yarn that had enough available for a pair of slippers. These slippers, photo here, not the same color as the ones I just made, usually take me about 3 hours to finish.
Once I got past the very minor disruption to my planned day of rest, I began to feel grateful, instead of annoyed. This fellow was one of the very few, over 18 months ago, when my nephew first began on the cabs, to offer helpful tips and advice. Most of the "regulars" guarded their "secrets" because they didn't want any competition. So, I became pleasantly eager to finish a nice pair for him. I ended up using both a dark brown strand and a white strand - the pattern uses two strands of worsted, held together.
Bottom line - I really am grateful that, when finances are next-to-nothing, when time is critical, and when "nice" is called for, God has provided me with the skill to whip something up with these hands of mine. Yes, I am very grateful, indeed.
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