Thursday, January 6, 2011

Use Up Those Old Non-denominated USPS Postage Stamps

If you're like me, you have little old unused postage stamps, or pre-stamped envelopes, and even old postcards, without the amounts printed on them, popping up now and then, here and there, around your home. I finally gathered them into one pile, and then into one envelope, and hauled them over to my computer.

A very quick search found this excellent website, Knottywood Treasures, showing how much each stamp is worth. I admit I will have a few very colorful, very interesting envelopes going out over the next few weeks. I'll have to be careful, when putting 16 or 17 stamps of various denominations on a smaller envelope, to leave room for the address. Still, it will be a relief to use these up.

Be sure to keep scrolling down the page. There are several categories. Also, the postcards and pre-stamped postal envelopes are toward the bottom of the page.

What I love about this website, Knottywood Treasures, is that they have very clear, nice and large, photos of the stamps. It is so easy to mark the stamps on the back (if self-adhesive) or put like amounts in marked envelopes. I had several that only had letters on them, such as D or F. What a treat and what a relief this is.

This site is also a great source of info and merchandise for First Day Covers (stamps), Carnival Glass and Depression Glass, if you collect or know any collectors.

Go find your stash of old stamps and use them up.

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