Saturday, December 25, 2010


Merry Christmas, everyone. I hope it is a peace-filled day and season, for each of you. Once again, I sit here, wondering what to write about. Nothing comes to mind. Yet, sometimes, "nothing" is a good thing. "Nothing" means no disasters, not a single major crisis, nothing to completely upset routines.

I find that as I get older, even though I am usually more flexible than a lot of my friends and loved ones, I do get annoyed or frazzled when even a minor routine is broken into. So I am truly happy when nothing happens to disrupt things.

I was a little queasy this morning; never did figure out why. I felt much better by 4 this afternoon.

However, my nephew has a wicked cold. With all our rain last week and the desert damp and chill, it was bound to happen, I guess. Being a cabbie, temporarily, meant getting out of the cab, tossing luggage, back into the cab, soaked, and driving, soaked. The heater in the cab made the inside toasty, but then the extremes of heat and cold, wet and dry, took its toll. He has a sore throat and is achy. However, once again we are grateful. There are no other symptoms to indicate anything more than an annoying and troublesome cold. Considering that here in Vegas, we have travelers from all over the world, all sorts of illnesses are possible, we are grateful for nothing more than an annoying cold.

It seems I did find something to write about, after all. The absence of major trouble is a major joy. It gives each of us, when we have that luxury, a moment or two, a day or so, to rest between the bothersome issues that life throws our way.

Thank you, Dearest Lord, for this moment's respite.

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