Thursday, December 23, 2010

Simple Things

It has been too long since I last posted to my Prayer blog section (12/5). I don't even know what to write tonight, but I feel the need to write something - anything.

My foot is almost healed from my Nov. 10th surgery. I'm actually walking on two feet now, with a walker and with a post-op sandal on the right foot. This means I walk up-and-down, the sandal being higher than any shoes I have. But the main thing is that, incredibly, I am walking sooner than I thought I would be. I can get to the sink easily now to do dishes or prepare meals. I can shower - oh, how glorious that is!

As happy as I am for myself and my progress, I weep for others who I know, folks whose holiday is sadly painful or frustrating. A friend in dire financial straits, whose mobile home is leaking badly from this rain. Another friend whose brain cancer has reached hospice stage. Yet another who passes out every time she goes anywhere and the doctors cannot find the cause (we suspect one of her many meds). Yet another who is healing from an auto accident last week, dealing with both a broken wrist and a broken ankle.

So, I am very grateful that once again, I was able to meet, somehow, this week's expenses, that I am making remarkable progress with my surgical healing, that I can enjoy a shower, that I have a roof over my head, that I can look forward to going to Mass after this healing is over.

I have not been able to make Mass for a few years - part of that was due to 24/7 caregiving that finally ended two years ago. After that, our one-vehicle home was stuck in a rut with a work-shift that required the vehicle to be away during the morning hours. That has changed and I can look forward to enjoying services yet again.

Father, thank you for so many blessings this season. Like the drummer boy in one of our most popular seasonal songs, I have very little to offer you except my efforts to do better by your plans for me, to do better by the folks you place in my path. Help me, please, with enough grace and gifts of the Spirit to be a better person day by day.

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