Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Keeping My Mouth Shut

I seem to have a hard time keeping my mouth shut when opening it will not help the situation.

Take a heated discussion. With anyone. Once it is over, there are often hard feelings on both sides. Instead of my just leaving it alone, too many times I try to smooth it over by bringing it up again, hoping this time I can explain my view in a better way. The only thing this seems to do is to re-ignite the fire.

I used to think that letting it go was a bad thing. I felt that by letting it go, it was never resolving the issue. I felt that it meant I had given in to the other person, even if they were wrong. And I felt that it was my duty to straighten it out.

These days, I am trying very hard to resist that urge. Instead of bringing the matter up again, I am praying for help, for guidance.

If I am supposed to discuss it again, I figure the Lord will open up the discussion for me, from the other side, and I will know I am supposed to try it again.

If I am not supposed to discuss it again, at least I am not wasting my time and the time of the other person.

This method also reduces my stress level. That is a big plus. I have taken the burden off of me and placed it gently in the Lord's capable, wise, and compassionate hands.

Dear Lord, thank you for the insight in dealing with one of my biggest faults; please continue to bless me with the ability to keep my mouth shut until you clue me to open it.


Kelly L said...

I have been working on keeping silent and letting God take control - it's only been about a week but I have to say my stress level has decreased...

Love to you
I've Become My Mother

Evelyn Mayfield said...

Kelly, thank you for your encouraging comment. Knowing you have succeeded for an entire week motivates me to try to do that, myself. Hugs and prayers