Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Crochet: Stopping in the middle of a row/round

Most of the time, I prefer trying to finish a row or a round before I put down my hook for a session. Life doesn't always permit that.

I found out the hard way that when I stop somewhere in the row or round, when I pick up again, that last stitch always looks "funny." Sometimes it is loose. Sometimes it is tight. It drove me nuts.

Finally, I just took the easy way out. When I pick up my work again, I just rip out that last stitch, and continue on. My tension seems to work out better that way and the break in the work is not obvious.

There are some folks who crochet perfectly all the time, whether they finish the row or round before they put down their work, or whether they do not. I am not one of them. This little trick seems to work for me. Just passing it on in case some of you have the same problem.

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