Sunday, November 7, 2010

Color Ideas for 3-Way Caps

In yesterday's post and the post just before that one, I mentioned a 3-way cap/hat that our charity crafters make with our leftovers and scrap yarn, for the homeless.

Yesterday's post gave the link for the free pattern, plus the pattern designer's photo of a variegated yarn in hat.

Tonight, I've posted 4 photos, showing ways I have used several colors in one hat, going from the smallest amount of yarn that I had in a color family, and moving on from there. Some of these combo's are really great.

One photo shows 2 hats, folded, with solid color throughout. That one also shows good detail of the stitches.

These are great for last minute holiday gifts, too. For the winter, being able to pull it down over the ears, or push it back when the wind stops, is a plus in colder climates.

I hope to make a few of these this season, from my private stash of yarn, not from our donated charity stash. I can't wait to look through what I have. I can imagine it in chenille, too! Or, a slightly fuzzy, bumpy yarn. It's so adaptable.

I hope you enjoy some of these ideas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Evelyn, will be praying for your surgery and your fast recovery! I am new to your blog (my 2nd visit, found you last week somehow) and I so appreciate how you are able to verbalize your faith! I really like the "silent" idea -- am going to copy it down as a reminder which I need especially dealing with my adult children!! Thank you, too, for the crochet patterns-ideas for the homeless hats. I am just finishing up fleece caps/blankets/shawls for the women's shelter then anxious to work up some of these!

I have to sign anonymous because I do not understand the google account, etc (does that mean my google e-mail?), but my name is Cathy and you are a blessing to me!