Sunday, November 7, 2010

Getting Psyched Up for Foot Surgery

Well, my foot surgery is on Wednesday morning. I've paid for, and received, a gently used (well, barely used) "knee walker." It is a half-wide walker with a platform upon which you rest your knee and thus take pressure off the impaired foot. These are fairly new and I've put a photo here of one model, not the one I have, to give you an idea of what they are, in case you've never heard of them or never seen one.

They are the newest thing for any surgery below the knee, where pressure is forbidden for a while after the surgery. For an old girl like me, who is not crutch-safe these days, this is a true blessing. My neighbor broke her ankle a while back, and bought one, and I was lucky she still had it and sold it to me at a wonderful price.

I have been making friends with what will be my right leg for about 6 to 8 weeks. I've swapped out one side of the wheel base so that it works for a right-leg disability. It was really easy, with those little push/snap buttons. I've adjusted both the bottom legs and the top handle bar, twice, but might do it once again before the big day. And I've taken it for a spin in the house.

Tomorrow is the big test, though. We have a very long metal ramp on the porch side of the home, because of a family friend who passed on two years ago. It's gently graded, for her scooter. But her scooter had better controls than this little hand-operated wonder. So, tomorrow, my middle-aged nephew will walk down the ramp in front of me, while I try not to "fly" downhill like a clumsy new ski-bunny on an expert slope. I surely do not need to break a hip before I fix the foot. Thank heaven he is burly and strong.

And thank heaven for my faith. I have been praying for angels all around me while I use this thing over the next weeks. It surely ought to be interesting!

Please, dear Lord, keep watch over me during this slightly worrisome time of my upcoming recuperation. Thank you for the chance to do this at home rather than in rehab, and thank you for the wonderful bargain on the equipment.

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