Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Scripture Tree

I have seen the Scripture Tree at least once a year, for a few years, in emails from friends. At least once a year, I promise myself to save it, to bookmark it. This time, I did just that.

Meanwhile, I realized that maybe some of you have not yet seen this. You might want to share this site with your own friends.

At the site, click on the flowers on the tree. Each pair of flowers will open a verse from the Bible. At the bottom, you can click to go back and click on yet another pair of flowers for another verse.

Sometimes, I click at random, trusting that the Lord will guide me to what I need at that moment. Once, I started at the bottom of the tree on one side, and worked my way up and around and around. Another time, I clicked only on white flowers; yet another time, on red flowers. At first I thought there might be a pattern to the flowers. I thought that all the red were from the Old Testament and the white from the New Testament, or vice versa. But there is no easy to see pattern. The tree and its verses are like life - it just happens in no special order.

At the bottom of the page, there are more trees to select from - for Christmas, for other times. There are also e-cards and other inspirational materials at this site. Follow links to their home page and find out about this extraordinary couple.

Enjoy and be enriched in the Spirit, my friends.

Thank you, Dear Father, for the grace and gifts of the Spirit which you sent to the creator of this wonderful tree for us; may that person be blessed abundantly for all the work involved in this.

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