Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ministry - Each in Our Own Way

I am always a little embarrassed by anyone referring to any good works I may do as my "ministry." After all, I am not, nor do I ever plan to be, in an organized ministry. Today, I received an email from someone asking that God bless me in my ministry as he had in theirs. Knowing my background in my wild youth, and knowing I owe the Lord so much more than I am currently giving in his name, I do not feel that the term "ministry" applies to anything that I do.

But something made me check on the meaning of the word "ministry." Widipedia says:
A ministry, in Christianity, is an activity carried out by Christians to express or spread their faith. 2003's Encyclopedia of Christianity defines it as "carrying forth Christ's mission in the world", indicating that it is "conferred on each Christian in baptism."

Well, if that's the case, then each of us has our own ministry from the moment we are baptized. I suppose I do have a ministry, just as you have one, and your friends and loved ones do.

One way we spread the word is through the things that we do for each other and for all in God's world. That's the obvious way to spread the word.

However, I have long been aware that there is an even more silent and possibly more worthwhile and useful way of spreading the word. That way is to live by his Commandments. Our good example is the most effective way of spreading the word.

I often end my evening by asking God to forgive me not only for the things that I did wrong that day, but for the things that I could have done simply by living "right." I know that I have a conscience. Sometimes folks will tell me not to "beat myself up" over something I've done wrong. It's not that I "beat myself up." It's that I know right from wrong. If I do not admit I have done wrong, I cannot correct my ways, and I cannot move forward on the path to heaven.
So, even though I write all these words here, they are as nothing unless I demonstrate my faith by living "right."

Father, please, always, fill me with enough grace and gifts of the Spirit sufficient that I may live according to your will and that others will want to live that way, too.

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