Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Made My First Etsy Treasury - No-Calorie Cakes

Etsy is a online Craft Mall of sorts, but much better than that. One of their many features is the Treasury, where they allow shop owners to make a sort of online "poster" or "presentation" of 16 different products from different shops, tied to a theme.

My first one is No Calorie Faux Cakes, and it was hard choosing the items for this Treasury. When I did my search, I used the tags Handmade, Faux, Cake, and Cupcake. I came up with 8 pages of products. After I saw all the wonderful offerings, I decided to concentrate on one different type of item for each shop: hair clip, earrings, miniatures, children's play food, cuff links, pincushion, decorations, and so many more.

Believe it or not, the photos in this post, and in the Treasury, are all "fake" cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. Even those lucious looking cheesecake bites! The awful part was that almost every item I picked had chocolate in it - you can guess how much I am craving a hot fudge sundae right now.


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for posting my scrubbies here too :)

nicola said...

and what a fabulous chocolatey treaury it is !! thankyou so much for adding my cake xx

Debs Crochet said...

Oh wow they look so real!