Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Too Much of a Good Thing?

When our little group of crafters, in my senior mobile home park, first started making crocheted and knitted projects for the needy (homeless, preemies, long-term care), back in April 2009. we fully expected to be using our own yarn and threads. We all had small amounts of this-and-that and the items we made were small enough to use those bits and pieces.

Over the past year-and-then-some, our friends and neighbors in our community found out about us. They are now donating supplies to us. At first, it was every so many months. Now, it's almost every month. We are well-supplied, now, with the supplies for the needy.

Now, I'm not complaining. We used our own in the beginning. It feels good to know that some folks are thinking of those in need by donating to us instead of selling off their stash at a yard sale. However, we have to keep busy to keep from being buried alive (lol).

The other thing that feels good to me, is that I figure that the Good Lord, from whom all bounty flows, must trust us to do right by these gifts. So, I figure that as long as he keeps sending us these supplies, I guess I'm expected to do right by them, and that means he plans on keeping me around for a little while.

Yep, sounds logical to me!

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