Thursday, September 9, 2010

Skills and Talents - Gifts from God

Every so often, I feel the need to thank the Lord for the gifts he has given me. I don't mean a roof over my head and food in my tummy - I thank him often for those things.

I'm talking about the special skills he has led me to learn. I do not like to call them talents because that seems to imply that I am better at them than I am. I like to think of these gifts as skills.

Most of them I have developed because the Lord seems to have nudged and prodded and guided me along the way to learn or develop them.

I am especially grateful for the gifts of being capable at needlework and at writing and editing and proofreading. I am constantly amazed that I am able to do these things as well as I do. I am not the greatest but I am better than the worst - I am definitely capable, and I am thrilled to be able to do these things.

Along the way, I try very hard to work at these things in a way that will praise him. Or help others find him. Or to help others know they are not alone on their own life journey.

There are other gifts, too. The ability to problem-solve. This is a two-sided coin, at times. Sometimes I can see the solution, but the person or persons involved do not want me help or advice.

Another gift is the ability to juggle several things at once. True, I have to slow down a bit on that at my age, but I still do fairly well.

Yet another gift is the desire and eagerness to volunteer where needed. True, again, I need to slow down here and choose more wisely now that I am older.

Yes, I've been blessed and I know it, and I appreciate it. I try, from time to time, to remember to thank him.

Dear God, thank you for all the gifts you have given me along my way; forgive me for not using others that I do not yet recognize, and please continue to guide me in the wise use of these gifts, for your greater glory.

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