Friday, March 5, 2010

Crafting for Local Charities - Inch by Inch...

It is amazing what just 5 ladies have accomplished already in our tiny charity crafting group. Our senior mobile home community has over 400+ homes and probably close to 1,000 residents. We only have 4 of our own ladies, plus 1 sister-in-law from a nearby community, in our Friday morning (10 to Noon) sessions at our clubhouse.

One of our women does not even attend the sessions, due to other commitments, but every other month since we began, she drops off a huge lawn/leaf bag filled with her work for preemies.

We began back on 4/3/09. In the beginning, we worked on preemie hats and sweaters, and little by little, added things for the homeless (fingerless gloves, caps/hats, scarves) and for a local long-term care center (lap throws, shawls, and more).

Sometimes it's hard to believe we have already made several hundred items, and have outgrown the original two totes I designated at home for these items.

Although we began as a knit-and-crochet group, we have expanded. Some residents drop off VCR tapes, decks of cards, and puzzle books, for the long-term care center.

One person who just does not do needlework figured out how to cut scarves out of fleece lap throws, fringe them (again, just cutting them), and ends up with warm scarves for the homeless. She doesn't do one single stitch!

So it does not matter if you do not knit or crochet or sew. There is something each of us can do for those in need, locally. It all begins with just a thought, and then one item, and then one more, and on and on. It's a wonderful feeling.

1 comment:

Peach Rainbow said...

May God bless you for your kindness and effort.
I have been following you throughout but i am sorry i couldn't leave any comment.
Take Care.