Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sharing Faiths and His Mysterious Ways

An odd assortment of events happened within this past hour that can only be the Lord working in his mysterious ways. I was straining my brain for a topic for tonight’s post. At the same time, I was pondering how to finish a Star of David plastic canvas pattern I’ve been working on.

I also have a habit of giving away some plastic canvas satin ribbon crosses and/or the Cross in my Pocket items, but often regretted that I did not have anything to give my Jewish friends. At that same moment, I wondered who the author was for the verse that is folded and placed into the pocket of the Cross in my Pocket.

In the midst of all these rambling thoughts, I Googled the first line of the Cross in my Pocket verse and immediately found the author (Mrs. Verna Mae Thomas) mentioned at Bev’s Country Cottage
Beth’s Cross in my Pocket pattern is nicer than the one I make, and I’m happy to admit that to you.

This discovery answered all my questions in one visit. I found the author; I had a topic for this post; I found several Star of David items which helped jumpstart my pattern ideas; and I discovered a website I love. Bev’s faith is LDS (Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) but she also has a marvelous collection of patterns and links for those of the Jewish faith, also. To me, this is a wonderful combination.

So, to pull it all together, tonight my heart and soul are filled with thoughts about how many good folks are out there, how many love one another and how many are open to people of different faiths.

It is still amazing to me, the path the Lord led me down tonight, a winding path with strange bypaths to explore, but all leading to the center - His love.


Lemon Shortbread said...

The green cross looks really lovely! Dropped by to say that you're tagged on my blog =)

bevq said...

Your website is lovely! I am so glad you stumbled upon my site and the author of the poem. Your Cross in my Pocket is great!
