Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mindless Mind Wanderings

Posting to a blog can be daunting. We must always remember that the entire world can see what we are writing. We must tread a fine line when we post personal information. Think about the whole world reading our diary. Scary, huh?

But a blog was originally meant to be an online journal, a journey through our thoughts. Some nights, my mind is tired and I'm not at all sure what to write. Like tonight. The day was full. At almost 70, I tire a bit more easily. Still, looking back, I managed to accomplish a lot.

In addition to breakfast and dinner for two adults (myself and my middle-aged nephew), shopping for whatever food I could afford today, remembering to buy and stash (in the clubhouse) the jug of fruit punch concentrate for community events as I promised to do, writing two articles for, and hoping to do three blog posts (one for Home page, and one each for Crafts and PrayerPower), this is a lot for me.

In there, too, I answered both personal and business emails. I'm in a craft group on Yahoo and I needed to deal with some swaps which I host on there. I also write and edit a 16 page community newsletter, and tonight, I rolled and rubber banded almost 200 of them for one of our delivery fellows. His dear wife used to do, but her health is not up to par these days, so I manage to do it for him. He's a wonderful person, so kind with her, so devoted. I love to see them together. Ooops, I got off track.

This past two weeks, my nephew worked for a cab company and we get up at 1 a.m. so I can take him into work by 3 and bring the van back. The cab yard is in a decrepit part of town where even our trashy looking van would not be safe. Then I go get him early afternoon. Today, in addition, because we do not have a water treatment thingie on our mobile home, I tossed the 5 empty 5-gallon water bottles in the back when I picked him up and we stopped and filled them so he could bring them in before he crashed after dinner.

You know, looking back, I might not be doing the types of things I used to do, but I guess I did more than I realized. I feel a little better now. Thanks for listening!

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