Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blog Hop Tuesday - Favorite Recipe - Maple Walnut Ice Cream Topping

I drool when I think of this topping. Our household grew tired of searching stores for a good maple walnut topping for ice cream. If we were lucky enough to find some, it was in a little jar that only allowed us a few walnuts and a dribble of syrup per person or serving. That is NOT the way we like to eat our maple-walnut topped ice cream.

This is a “casual” recipe. That means I am not giving precise measurements, but you really do not need them. You just need a clean jar (we use recycled jars from spaghetti sauce, bleached to get the sauce smell out of them) with a tightly fitting screw-top lid, two ingredients, and a taste for luxury! I have happily mailed jars of this as a surprise to lucky folks I know and they are always thrilled.

Clean jar, 16 oz to 24 oz
Bag of cooking walnuts (whole, halves, or chopped - your choice)
Lg bottle or jug of maple syrup

Pour the walnuts into the jar, leaving about 1-1/2 to 2 inches at the top.
Add the syrup, to completely cover the walnuts, to within half an inch from the top.
Tighten lid and put in fridge for about a week, so that the walnuts soak up all that delicious syrup.

Warning - this is addicting! If you mail to anyone, put a square of waxed paper under the lid, large enough so that when you tighten the lid, about a half inch is hanging out around - this further seals and prevents any leaking.

MckLinky Blog Hop

1 comment:

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Wow, that sounds so easy!

Stopping by from the blog hop! If you want to check out my entry, I'm #124!