Sunday, July 19, 2009

Rays of Sunshine

It has been a very cloudy and stormy financial mess for me since the end of December, a continuous downward spiral. If it had not been for faith, and for this blog, I don’t know how I could have held on to hope. The blog forced me to post most days or nights, and forced me to either examine an area of my life that needed changing, or to recognize an area where I needed to extend gratitude. Faith is what kept it all together.

For years, when things were bad, and then began to turn around, I had the attitude that it was not good to mention the turn-around too early, in fear of “jinxing” the up-turn. I no longer do that because to do so makes it sound as though luck, rather than God, is in charge.

Now, I’m not saying that I’m anywhere near in good shape, financially, but what I see is some light at the end of the tunnel, and the tunnel does not seem so long anymore. For this, I must thank the Lord, and be grateful and upbeat about his help. I must, to use the sometimes over-used phrase, Praise the Lord.

There is a long path ahead in this area, but I will continue to move along. What I need to concentrate on at the moment is prayer for guidance as to how to use each penny, nickel, or dollar that comes my way, in the way the Lord wants me to use it. That is extremely important.

Father, please send your grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, my way so that I will use the resources you send me in a wise way and not a foolish way.

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