Friday, May 1, 2009

Still Trying

Not quite there with the two individual blogs. When I am ready to do them, both links will be posted here so you can choose whether to go to Prayer Power or to Crafts.
Tonight, I am excited several ways. Prayer does work, but not always as quickly as we want it of in the way we think we need it.

My “nephew” might have a job to start on Monday. It was a three-month dry spell. We will see if the call comes through as promised on the weekend. He is concerned because of the three- month dry spell and worried that at his age (53), he will have slowed down.

Also, I just discovered that the stash of plastic canvas pattern books and booklets that I’ve been trying to sell can very easily be sold on my Etsy store. This is wonderful news - Etsy is easy to deal with. Plus, if Frank does start work, my new routine may truly be starting to form.

To be honest, for about a week, we have been truly fearing utility cutoffs and more drastic events. It will be a hard climb back up, but at least we are moving up and not back.

Hang in there, my friends. Faith is the hardest to depend on when we need it the most. After a night, there is always a dawn.

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