Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Coming out of the Fog

I have been “out of it,” blog-wise, for a few months.

On Feb. 3, a few days after my last post (which was 1/31/9), I lost my dear old friend, Jane. We had been friends, like sisters, almost, for over 43 years. Her last eight weeks were very hard to watch. At 80, she suffered badly for the last 8 weeks. I will not detail it here, at least not now. I just want my former friends and those who read these posts to know that I have now awakened and am ready to renew the joy I found in these nightly posts.

I will be splitting this, as I promised earlier, into one blog for prayers and the power of prayer, and another, separate, blog about crafts primarily about, but not restricted to, crochet. I hope to do a lot of work in this area tomorrow.

For now, I want to thank all of you who have been visiting. And I want you all to remember that the Lord is with us all, even in our darkest hours. If not for him, this past couple of months would have been unbearable for many reasons.

Jane’s passing left a deep hole in my daily routine. I had been totally focused on her care-giving for several years and I must now build a new routine.

I had also depended on her friendship, and must now reach out to those for whom I could not find time before.

Even more, finances went to rock-bottom, but I think I now see a ray of hope.

Never give up; if necessary, try to ask a friend to say a prayer for you in your hour of need. We need each other at those times, even if time and circumstance only allows it to be in prayer for each other.

See you tomorrow night, at one blog or the other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i loved what u wrote evie I know it leaves a hole in your heart but like u said now have to start another routine its called taking care of yourselve too so plz take time to do so its so important it really is hope to hear from u soon in an email
debbie from mi