Sunday, May 3, 2009

High Tech Joys and Jolts

Today I dove into scanning and posting the first of dozens of plastic canvas pattern booklets to my Etsy store. Most of these were Jane’s, and I will miss watching her work those patterns; her passing on Feb. 3rd is still a little unreal to me.

The scanning was hilarious, after I finished. It took me almost half an hour just to figure out which of three programs worked best for me. I ended up using PaperPort and was delighted to see an option to save for “web” images, much more tightly compressed for uploading than the other options.

Then, after scanning the fronts and backs of the first 8 booklets, and saving all images, I discovered that each time I was saving the current image, plus all the previous ones. It took a while to check each image and delete those that I didn’t need.

All in all, it was a fun learning experience because now I am on fire with this. I hope to scan a dozen a day - considering all the patterns Jane had collected, this might take me until Christmas.

Meanwhile, Etsy sure is easy - adding more items to the store was simple, and making a section just for “Supplies, Patterns” helps me keep them separate from my handmade items.

Father, thank you for all the joys of this high-tech age!

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