Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quantity vs. Quality

Yesterday I posted about our little group of handcrafters for the needy in our mobile home community. I mentioned that we only have four, and that some weeks at our Friday sessions, we only have 3 or 2, who show up.

Numbers, in this case, mean very little. A group, for any reason, does not need to have 1,400 members, or 400 members, or even 40 members. It merely needs to have a few that care about whatever the group’s purpose is.

In our case, our small group has already amazed me with the number of items we have made in just a month of Fridays (see yesterday’s post).

Even with prayer, the saying is that whenever two or more are gathered in his name, there he is among them. The power seems to be in quality, not quantity.

So do not hesitate to start your group, whether online or in person, just because you only have yourself and another person. Instead, concentrate on your purpose. Is it to instruct? To make things? To sell things?

Whatever the reason, focus on that goal, and you will not only achieve your group’s purpose, you might surprise yourself with the quality of the outcome.

Father, thank you for our free will that allows us to choose how to spend our time and talents.

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