Monday, May 11, 2009

One Thing at a Time

I have so many things I’d like to write tonight. I’d like to thank the Lord for the job that my “nephew” just got this past week. I’d like to talk about how amazed I am many days that I managed to finish so many of the tasks that I faced when the day began, even if I don’t complete them all. I’d like to share with readers how good it feels to look back on bleak days and see the many times a stranger appeared with unexpected help in one way or another. And I’d like to write about how frustrating it is to know so many people in need of prayers and how fearful I am that I am not remembering them all each time I pray.

One thing at a time, I suppose, and briefly, because I do not want to wear you out reading this.

We are amazed that this job did materialize. It dangled for weeks, for over a month, until this new restaurant was finally cleared to open. Now we just need to get past the first month, the danger zone for new openings. Often, they will over-hire and then be forced to lay off when the expected level of business does not appear. All in good time; for now, it’s a step in the right direction.

As for finished versus unfinished tasks each day, I am trying to avoid feeling overwhelmed by what I do not finish. I find I am more energized by concentrating on what I did complete, rather than what I did not complete. In fact, each time I finish a chore, I try at that moment to be thankful it is done because I find that this action encourages me to find something else, quickly, to keep up the momentum. It’s a side-effects-free energy pill.

Finding unexpected help from unexpected friends, relatives, or neighbors is an exciting experience. I tend to avoid asking for help. I’ve always been the help-giver, and I hate being a help-taker. But I recognize that even Jesus accepted help in carrying his cross. So now I allow myself the humble feeling of gratitude and recognition of God’s assistance in these matters.

Finally, I am trying to adopt the Jewish prayer, “from your mouth to God’s ears” when someone asks for prayer and I offer to put them on my prayer list. I quickly, in my heart, send up the words, “from my heart to your ears,” to the Lord, and immediately turn it over to him. He has heard me promise to pray for that person; I have turned the matter over to the one being who is able to help; my more formal prayers are icing on the cake of need for these folks, and if life gets in the way and I forget to say a prayer later, I have at least done something right at that moment.

Time for me to get to bed, folks. Dear God, watch over all those who read this blog, and over all those I know and love.

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