Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Am I a Morning Glory?

This one will be short. Yesterday’s was enough for two days, I fear. Not much to share, which might be a good thing. It’s been over 100 here for over a week, no matter what the Weather Channel says. This morning, it was already 80 at 5 a.m.

Heat takes a lot out of resolve to get things done. Still, I can get a lot done in the morning and evening hours, like water the outside plants.

I have a little Sago palm tree that refuses to grow up. Its partner passed away the first year. This one is already two years old and not even as high as my knee. This year, it will grow up, if I have anything to do with it. At least, I hope, to my knee. The good thing is that I have not managed to kill it yet.

The odd thing is that while this is so slow to grow, I have some pots out at the back end of my driveway that, last year, held Morning Glory plants before I managed to do them in. This past week, lo and behold, one is sprouting, no doubt from last’s year’s crop, coming out of dormancy.

Odd, how one plant will die, another grow slowly, and another flourish luxuriously in spite of neglect.

I think we are like that. I hope I am a Morning Glory - strong, in spite of all odds.

Lord, please send me the grace I need to flourish in spite of circumstances, so I may be something beautiful in your eyes.

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