Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gossip or Report?

There is a fine line, I think, between gossip and a report that must be given. How can we tell the difference? The type of issue I am concerned about is when something needs to be reported to someone in charge so that it can be remedied.

I sometimes have a hard time deciding whether I am sharing gossip or whether I am addressing an issue so it can be corrected. I wish there were guidelines. I guess, in a way, there are. The Ten Commandments are too often forgotten these days. Yet, the 8th, Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor, seems to say it all. Is what I am claiming to “report,” in truth, just a “story” to titillate or bring me attention for a moment, or for some other selfish reason? And, am I sure that every word in the story is really true? Or am I really trying to right a wrong, or help someone in authority to correct a bad situation?

I really need to try to remember to pray before I open my mouth in these cases.

Because a prayer is really just a talk between ourselves and God, I think I will try to rely on the popular acronym, WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?). Even a non-Christian knows that this man preached love and unselfishness. So, if I am faced with this dilemma in the future, just saying those words should be enough of a prayer to help me focus on my intent, on my true reason for sharing a special tale or story.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the fine example that Jesus set for us; following his lead will help us do what you hope we will do.

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