Thursday, January 22, 2009

God’s Ways - Tough Love

I’m always amazed, in hindsight, as his ways. I’ve been moaning and groaning for a few months, now, about my living room phone. It sits flat and to see Caller ID, I must physically get up, go over, and peek at the display. We screen a lot of calls, pesky sales calls, etc.

I’ve also been meaning to clear out an area on the right side of Jane’s lift chair. I need to be able to walk between the chair and the table next to it, to the wall, at times, to access the socket.

Seems God took care of it all in one fell swoop today. My living room phone died. I miss it terribly. It had a message center built in, so I could always hear who was calling, even from several rooms away, if it got as far as the message. To get to the wall, to check the connection, I was forced to clear that nasty area of clutter, now, today.

It didn’t take me all that long. An hour at most. I took a few grocery bags of old bills and other trash out. I consolidated some of Jane’s craft supplies (she is still in rehab), and chose others to put away for a few months until she is once again ready for them. Then I checked the connection. Yep, it’s dead, all right.

So, in the morning, I’ll do what I’ve known I needed to do, but have been stalling on. I’ll pick up an inexpensive phone, but it will have the message center built in, and it will be cordless, this time, and also have a Caller ID display.

I’m grateful God made sure I’d do these things, but I could have used a little heads up. It was a little wild and hectic for a little while. Even the cat stayed out of my way.

Dear Lord, thank you, once again, for guiding me to do what I needed to do; forgive my procrastination and stubbornness, too.

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