Sunday, November 2, 2008

Serenity in the Midst of Chaos

Yesterday I wrote that I needed to pray for help in multi-tasking without getting stressed and tense. This morning really put my new resolution to the test. I stopped in a mobile home park to visit a friend and pick up some things, early, before 9 a.m. When I went to get back in the van, I found I’d locked myself out. A million things ran through my mind.

I had to get home to give Jane her meds in time. I had to get the meat that was in the van back to the fridge in time. My prepaid cell was in the van. The road service phone number and my road service ID card was in the van. It would likely take almost an hour for road service to reach me on a Saturday morning.

Before I freaked out, I looked at the situation, and mentally said a quick prayer. During this time, I also noticed that my friend had dealt with two wee little stray pups that had adopted her household (she is looking for a home for them)who were running around inspecting me and the van. She is raising a teenage daughter who was out there with us. Also with us were two little nieces or granddaughters (I’m not sure which), aged 6 and 2, playing with the pups in their bare feet (the girls and the pups, both). She had a lot on her plate and she was offering me her own cell to call road service. She was keeping her eyes on the kids and the dogs, and then her own dog got out. In the midst of all this, she was an island of serenity and calm. Oh, okay, maybe she was numb. I had thrown a real kink into her morning schedule and she was helping me and not whining or complaining.

The way I see it, God heard my prayer. I might have had a hard time staying calm, but he also helped my friend stay calm which, in turn, improved my own state of mind. It all worked out, of course, and I am grateful for it. I also enjoyed the forty-five minutes with the little ones and the pups. What could have been chaos was, I must admit, even a bit of fun.

Father, thank you for hearing my prayer this morning, and please, bless me with the same peace when I next need it.

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