I don’t usually give in to self-pity to a great extent. I can usually shrug things off in a moment or two. Still, there are many times when I question God as to why he won’t let me have this or that, or why I must put up with this or that. “Why can’t I have that one hour, just one hour, of uninterrupted TV between 8 and 9 at night?” “Why do I have to handle so many things for so many people?”
I’m sure he’s saying, in reply, “Why, indeed?” Much as I whimper to myself about things that I feel are a bit of a burden, I know the answer. Why not me? Obviously, if I’m still coping, and still managing to do the things about which I’m complaining to myself, I must be able to do them and do them rather well. So, obviously, God knows I can do it. He knows I can do it pretty well. And, he knows he can trust me, no matter how sorry I feel for myself, to take care of it and not disappoint him by
neglecting some of these obligations he has set in my path.
When you come down to it, I can always refuse to do things, I can always just take as much time for myself as I wish. I have free will.
The truth is that I always feel so good when, in spite of whether I want to do something or not, I manage to get it done, and done right.
Thank you, Father, for the trust you place in me; I pray for the strength to always do right, to avoid disappointing you.
hi evie. just thought i would say hi I love the prayer u put down. I got one u mite enjoy as well it goes like this
when u see GOD IS NOWHERE u can see it 2 differant ways GOD IS NO WHERE or GOD IS NOW HERE> I personally like the latter. I can send u the complete poem if u want me to . its how u look at it that makes a difference. I sent u my blog addy didnt I. if not let me know and i will
angel hugs
Thanks for the kind words, Debbie. I love the second version of that prayer you mentioned. Yes, I'd like to see the whole verse, and your blog addy. Send it to: emayfieldz@aol.com
Thanks for "tuning in" to my thoughts. Doing this each night helps me to keep my thinking straight - I miss it the few times life gets in the way.
Hugs and prayers
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