Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sharing the Wealth

Our tastes change through the years and with experience. Crafts we once liked no longer interest us. Material we worked with is no longer our favorite. Patterns we worked once, we may never work again. The Internet offers many opportunities for us to share the wealth of things we are no longer interested in.

We can sort through our pattern books. Take stock of the threads, yarns, soft goods we no longer like, colors that bore us. Someone out there will not only be able to use them, they will treasure them.

Places like Freecycle (a Yahoo group), and Craig’s List, have sites for most major cities in the country, and even some surprisingly smaller ones. You won’t know unless you check online.

Thank you, Lord, for the wonders of the Internet and the chance to share with others that which I no longer want or use.

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