All too often, I pray for a big thing, a one-prayer-fits-all type of prayer like, “Please, Lord, get me out of debt,” or, “Father, please change so-and-so’s attitude.” Most times, though, it’s little things I pray for and for those prayers, most times, I’m blessed with receiving a recognizable answer.
The prayers for little things are answered most often; prayers for big things, less often. Okay, then, the lesson is obvious: I should pray, then, for small steps in life’s big journey. I’m convinced that life here on earth is like kindergarten in school, or maybe elementary school. I believe Heaven is Graduation. Unless I learn my lessons and practice them correctly, I’m not ready for graduation.
Comparing life’s spiritual lessons with school, then, I realize that before I could learn algebra, I had to learn to count, then to multiply and divide, then fractions, and so on. My prayer life seems a lot like that. Small prayers and their successes, teach me the right way to pray for the bigger needs (or wants). Also, like crossing tasks off a To-Do list, the successes of the little prayers cheer my soul and let me know, very often, that God does love me and that he does listen and help me.
I will try to break my bigger prayers into smaller steps. The prayer, “Please, Lord, get me out of debt” can be a few prayers at a time, like “Father, show me how to meet my financial needs today,” and “Dear God, what should I do next to increase my income” and “Father, guide me today in cutting some expenses to ease my burden.” The prayer, “Father, please change so-and-so’s attitude” can become prayers such as “Lord, fill me with charity that I might not mind what he/she says or does,” and “Please, Dear God, if his/her attitude is holding him/her back on the job or at home, send the grace that is needed.”
Thank you, Dear God, for all the little prayers you have answered for me; give me patience to learn how to pray for solutions to the larger problems in life.
1 comment:
Dear Evie,
Your words always speak to my heart. They give me a sense of peace in my hectic world.
I pray that God will bless you and keep you in these times and always.
Your sis in Christ,
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