Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Life’s a Stitch

For those of us who crochet or knit, or even sew or embroider, "Life’s a Stitch" could easily be a Motto for happy living or our spiritual life.

Like the stitches that begin with the first one, and grow gradually into something recognizable as more and more are added, life hands us the yarn and thread so we can stitch our lives into something worthwhile.

Sometimes we “drop” a stitch, in our work and in life. It’s easy enough to go back and fix it.

Sometimes we do not gauge properly. In needlework, the end result is an obvious disaster: Barbie-size instead of adult-size. In life, not gauging the consequences of our actions can also result in disaster, or at least unnecessary problems.

Well-placed, well-made, careful stitches, however, become something wonderful, lovable, and useful. In life, well-placed, well-made, careful actions accomplish the same thing.

Thank you, Dear God, for the wonderful lesson of the simple stitch!


Anonymous said...

I like this thought. But unlike in stitching you do not get do overs if you use the wrong gauge in life.

Evelyn Mayfield said...

That was exactly my point. Making a test piece to check the gauge before starting a project teaches me to be more careful in my actions in life. Life, as you said, has no do-overs, so I need to much more careful than I have been in my past life. I need to realize more often that everything I do has consequences. Every human being's action touches other people, and affects them in some way. I'll never know how many I've already affected. Sorry to say, sometimes it in the wrong way. I need to begin to balance that.
Thank you for your comment, and for reading my blog, my friend.
Hugs and prayers
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