Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Good Stress versus Bad Stress

Unfortunately, life is filled with stress. There is both good stress and bad stress. Back in the 90s, I was in the habit of watching the Rev. Robert H. Schuller broadcasting from his Crystal Cathedral in Orange County, CA. He had a way of making normal events in our life make sense. Stress, for instance.

I remember him saying, in different words but the idea is the same, that stress can be good. Take a violin or guitar. If the string is not tight, it cannot make beautiful music. Stretch the string too tightly, and it breaks. He reminded us that it's up to us to keep the stress from breaking us, but to also realize that the stress is necessary for us to grow and make beautiful music of our lives.

This idea is hard to remember sometimes, in the middle of a mess, isn't it? But the more often I succeed at remembering it, the more often I practice that principal, the less tense and less stressed I will be.

Father in heaven, remind me when I need it, that life’s difficulties and troubles can tune my spirit and make it a joyful sound.

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