Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Love and Crafts

About 20 years ago, I spent time writing little sayings about life, crafts, and more. One of my favorites is this one:

In the patchwork quilt of life, love is the brightest patch.

I don’t know why this one has always stayed with me. Today I tried hard, without success, to remember some of them. I wanted to start to base my Craft blog posts on the sayings and hoped to recall at least six of them to get me started. This is the only one that filtered up out of those wrinkles in my brain. Hopefully, I’ll remember others, soon.

In the meantime, I do have this one to hold in my heart because it says a lot in a few words - about crafts, and about life, and about love.

Father, thank you for the words you have sent to me, time and again, over the years; please feel free to entrust more to me and I will share them with others.

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