Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Criticism Bites the Criticizer

One thing I really must continue to pray about is the tendency to criticize. I have always deluded myself by thinking I was just “setting things straight,” but most times, when I criticize, if I think back, I can see that it might not have needed to be said at all. If it was not necessary, then it wasn’t helpful, it was criticism.

Sometimes those words come back to bite me. Other folks might not see things my way. They defend the person I am criticizing, which makes me feel bad. I find myself defending my words, explaining why I said what I said about who I said it about. Yep, it makes me feel bad. And well it should. The old saying, “If you don’t have something nice to say about someone, don’t say anything at all,” fits here.

My big problem is in knowing when it is proper to share information or opinions or experience about something, and when sharing something would be an unnecessary criticism of someone.

So, I suppose my prayers should focus on praying for wisdom to know when and where to speak up, and what to say. Not my words, perhaps, but his words, should be coming from these well-meaning but sometimes impulsive lips.

Please, Dear God, fill me with the wisdom to know what to say and when to say it, and when to avoid saying anything at all if it will not help; guide me so I will not hurt others with my words.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I have been seeing a lot of this in me lately. It is being reflected in my children. They are very quick to point out people's faults.
I am now having to retrain myself. Thank you for helping me realize that I am not they only person out there with this problem.

Many blessings,