I really must take charge of myself in the resentment area of my life. I love being able to help my friends and loved ones. Once in a while, however, I’m in over my head and I resent having to do what I must do. Even if it is entirely within my time-frame and my ability, I still get annoyed that I must do it. Maybe I want appreciation. Maybe I want some “me” time. No matter what it is that fuels that emotion, resentment, I don’t like that part of me.
I know from experience that if I want to change something within myself, I should pray about it. But a little part of me is ashamed to go to God with this when I whined, whimpered, and complained about it to start with. I don’t really want God to take away the task or obligation in this case. I feel a great satisfaction in helping others, and I would feel bad if God did not trust me to take care of these things. So what is it I want?
I don’t think it’s the “me” time. That doesn’t bother me that much. I think it’s a need for acknowledgment, appreciation, and/or understanding. It’s not that folks are rude about my helping them. They just do not realize how much a kind work would help. One kind word about my assistance or caregiving would help me keep going for a few weeks. But Got never promised us kind words. He never promised us appreciation, and thanks, and understanding. He promised us happiness in eternity. What more can I ask?
Please, Dear Lord God, fill me with your spirit, enough so that I don’t seek earthly gratitude but rather eternal peace.
Oh my goodness. I just finished posting on my site and then I came to yours. I completely understand how you feel. I know we're suppose to feel good about helping those in need even without a thank you, but sometimes we need a little push to keep us going.
So on behalf of those you are helping, I want to say thank you. Thank you for having a servant's heart, for seeking the Lord in the things you do, thank you for showing us that no matter your age there is always time to learn, grow and teach.
My life is being made a richer place for you being there. I truly believe that.
Many blessings,
Thank you for your kind words, Shelly, and even more, for your prayers! You have no idea how much that means to me, how much you have touched my heart and my life. God bless you.
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