Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Urgent Prayer Needed for Long Time Friend Who Fell This Morning

A dear long time friend of mine, former co-worker, dear to my heart, fell this morning at his home. He has quite a few cats, dogs, birds, etc. in his home that he had shared with his lifemate who passed away a few months ago and he was picking up a food bowl for one pet and stepped back onto a corner of a pet pee-pad and slipped and fell. 

He felt immediate pain and realize he couldn't get right up so he rested a few minutes and tried again. He managed to get up but didn't get 20 feet before the pain was so bad he fell again, this time on the other side. Somehow he managed to crawl through the house, get the phone, call 911 and get to a hospital.

At the ER, they took x-rays but saw no fractures and wanted to send him home but he was in such major pain standing up that he became nauseous and needed a barf bag. Finally they did a CAT scan and he was waiting for the results when we last talked.

He is really worried about the pets. A neighbor of his will try to feed and care for them but she is in early dementia and he is having trouble getting her to understand what needs to be done.

Bottom line, I am worried about him. No breaks - well, on one side, that's a good thing. However, muscle tears or sprains are often more painful, take longer to heal and are harder to find and diagnose.

Please take a moment to pray for an accurate diagnosis and speedy healing for him, and patience for him when he tries to explain to his neighbor what the pets need?

Sweet Lord Jesus, you know the very good heart of this man. Please look compassionately upon him and the medical team. Please help his neighbor to be clear-minded enough to help with the pets until he goes home. Jesus, we trust in you!

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