Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Friend with Fractured Hip

Ok - her appointment went better than expected. Her new doctor will do a partial hip replacement tomorrow at 8am and she will be home in less than a week! She really likes this doctor and has confidence in him. He explained they usually only do total replacements for extremely active folks and my friend is just mildly active, like feeding the cats, getting into the car, walking a hall to see a doctor - kinda like a lot of us these days.

Thank you all for your prayers and, if you don't mind, just a few more? It would be a real blessing if the surgery goes as well as predicted and return home as quick as predicted. Almost done.

Sweet Lord Jesus, thank you for hearing the prayers of these folks for this woman in medical need. Thank you for this new medical team which hopes to straighten out the mistakes of the previous one. Please continue to watch over her, protect her, and heal her. Jesus, we trust in you!

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