Saturday, September 4, 2021

Odd Feelings The Past Few Days

I think I know why I've been feeling odd the past few days. I've been feeling sort of distracted and detached. Oh, I'm still doing my daily things: meals, kitty-duties, errands, medical appointments, our quarterly park newsletter, charity craft projects, etc., etc., etc. - But I think I am sort of "de-stressing" from the past few months.

See, I pride myself (yeh, I know what pride goeth before - lol) on being able to handle bumps on life's road. And I've been telling myself since April 20th's double lumpectomy that I've handled everything along the way with calm and sensibility.

But I should keep in mind that I am, after all, a human and we have those subconscious feelings at times that we aren't even aware of. So I think that as well as I've handled the positive lymph node biopsy, the 16 radiation treatments, the PET scan, and all the days and weeks between April 20th and August 31st when I was finally told officially that I am free at this moment of any malignancy, I think that inside, I suppose I had been holding my subconscious breath.

As a dear friend told me when I got the good news, I can now climb down off that ledge of pins and needles that I have been perched on for all that time.

Yes, I think these odd feelings are simply me finally letting it sink in and telling myself to relax a bit and be gentle in going forth.

Rolling along...

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