Tuesday, August 31, 2021

PET Results: Doing Happy Dance, With Restrictions!

So, I am "clear" for now of any sign of cancer. 

I'm blessed and I need to thank all of you for continued prayers and good wishes. We are now in a 5-year strict "prevention" mode, lots of checkups, , meds, etc.

I will pick up the Rx for hormone blocker Tamoxifen later this week, also OTC meds, Vitamin D, and Calcium, because the hormone meds cause bone, calcium and Vitamin D loss and I already have minor but real osteoporosis. He wants me to walk some. I walk "none," and I trust this man totally, so I will begin new routines this Sunday or Monday and be a very good girl and barring bad weather, I will try to walk a little, even if just 5/10 minutes, each day. I must also get infusion injections every 6 months, and I think that is Prolia, to offset osteoporosis from the Tamoxifin. I must do this for 5 years, with regular checkups. He agrees with my PCP and myself that we should do one more colonoscopy soon. I'm to see him again 9/28.

Sweet Lord Jesus, you have surprised me happily with this blessing and I will do all I can to fulfill my end of what is required to maintain this status. Please bless all those who prayed and cared for me during this time, and bless them abundantly. Jesus, I trust in you!

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