Friday, March 19, 2021

Tests Done; Results Next Week

Ok. I had easy traffic over and back from my 10 mile round trip drive and all went well. Although at one point, she hadn't given me the full dose in her syringe of local numbing meds and when she had the instrument inserted and snipped some tissue the one time, I did yelp! I felt a bit embarrassed until she apologized over and over and said she didn't realize she hadn't emptied the syringe.  I'm just glad I didn't jerk at that moment. The pain really caught me off guard. I was afraid I had scared every other patient in the building. LOL

Came home, applied ice as directed, 1/2 hour on, 1/2 hour off, at location, for 4 hours. Wearing tight bra for 24 hours, even while sleeping. No heavy lifting or anything strenuous for 24 hours. Other than that, after biopsy procedure directions piece of cake.

Now we wait and see. I'll have the diagnosis either on my Wednesday visit to the surgeon or shortly after if we need to re-schedule a day or two. It takes 2 to 7 business days for the results to come back.

Thank you all for your prayers. I really appreciated them.

Sweet Lord Jesus, thank you for standing beside me and for helping to make everything proceed easily. And bless all those who said a wee prayer on my behalf. I trust in you.

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